Pine64 is an organization which designs, manufactures and sells single-board computers, notebook computers and smartphones. While Pine64 is a legal for-profit entity, it operates much like a non-profit organization in the sense that it does not draw profits from most device sales, operates with volunteers, and reinvests income from sales back into the company. Its name was inspired from the mathematical constants pi and e with a reference to 64-bit computing power.
The Pine64 community is large, vibrant and diverse. Independent and partner-project developers, hackers and hardware enthusiasts, privacy advocates and FOSS geeks – you name it, we’ve got ’em all. They all contribute to the project thereby shaping it and determining its course. This page is community run, as is the Wiki, the chats as well as the forums.
Our goal is to push the envelope and deliver Arm and RISC-V devices that you want to use and develop for. To this end, we actively work with the development community and champion end-user initiatives. Rather than applying business to a FOSS setting, we allow FOSS principles to guide our business.
Learn more: https://pine64.com